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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Student´s exhibition in Einarsstofa 2013

The people above are helping me to hang the art work which took longer than I anticipated, mainly because we had to glue the small drawings and watercolors on a black carton paper to be able to fit it on the wall. 
I had three separate courses in 2013, one watercolor. another drawing and then oil.  I had quite a few young people which is always great to have as they are so imaginative and they are unbelievably creative.  Thank you all!


  1. Congratulations to all of you, your artworks in these pictures do look so beautiful, I think, you must have had a great time creating them!

    1. Hello my friend, I am sorry I did not see your comment until now. Thank you so much for looking at my blog and for your comment.
      Hope you are well. Steina.:)
